Category Archives: Divorce

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Ways to minimize the emotional impact of divorce on your child

Divorce is a challenging experience for a family, with children being particularly vulnerable to the emotional impact of the separation.…

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How does the destruction of marital property affect alimony?

Divorce can be a challenging period. Heightened emotions and disagreements often govern it. In the midst of these difficulties, purposeful…

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What warrants a temporary emergency custody order?

A divorce must have taken a turn for the worst if a parent, grandparent or any relative files for a…

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Did your spouse abandon you?

Over time, one or both spouses may realize that their relationship is no longer healthy and mutually agree to divorce.…

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How can marital misconduct affect your divorce settlement?

Marital misconduct involves any unacceptable behavior during the marriage that is enough to end it. Examples of marital misconduct in…

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How do courts decide the equitable distribution of marital assets?

In a divorce, parties will have to touch on different issues, such as alimony or child custody and support. One…

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How might adultery impact your divorce?

Adultery is often the reason for a marriage to end. Unfortunately, some humans have a tendency not to be loyal…

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How can you parent your children with a narcissist?

Co-parenting is a struggle for most parents. Co-parenting can feel like even more of a hurdle when you have a…

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Should you beware of hidden assets?

Asset hiding has existed alongside divorces for as long as property division itself. While it is not guaranteed everyone will…

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Hidden assets and divorce

For some couples, the division of their shared property and finances is the most contentious aspect of their divorces. Despite…

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3 reasons you should not move out after separation

Once you and your spouse legally separate, you may wonder if you should move out of your marital residence. Even…

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Protecting yourself from the emotional trauma of divorce

A divorce can take its toll on your emotional health. The combination of stress, uncertainty and grief might begin a…

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