Statesville DWI Lawyer

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Statesville DWI Attorney

Statesville DWI Attorney

A conviction for DWI has serious consequences, including heavy fines, insurance premium increases, license suspension and possibly incarceration. However, just because you have been arrested for DWI doesn’t mean you are guilty or there aren’t legal options, even if you failed the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) test.

Experienced, Knowledgeable, Honest And Vigorous Advocacy

The prosecutor handling your DWI case spends day after day handling cases like yours. Make no mistake, the prosecutor is an expert in trying drunk driving cases. You need someone who is experienced and competent and who will aggressively defend you and your constitutional rights. At Griffin Law, PLLC , we will thoroughly investigate all the facts of your arrest and build a vigorous defense in your DWI matter. We challenge the prosecutor’s evidence at every weak point to raise legitimate questions about the case against you.

At Griffin Law, PLLC , we fight for your interests through the entire DWI process by seeking:

  • A not guilty verdict
  • Lower fines
  • Alternatives to incarceration (including unsupervised probation)
  • Driving privileges (pretrial and post-trial)

We will honestly and straightforwardly advise you every step of the way so you are informed and can participate in making important decisions about your case.

The Prosecutor’s Case And How We Fight Your DWI Arrest Charges

There are three elements the prosecutor will use to try and prove you were driving while impaired:

  1. Bad driving/reasonable suspicion — Law enforcement must have a reasonable suspicion to stop your vehicle. We will try to show evidence of lawful driving to demonstrate lack of reasonable suspicion and, therefore, an illegal stop. Sometimes even if you may think your driving was unlawful, it may not be enough for reasonable suspicion on the officer’s part.
  2. Probable cause to arrest — Even if the vehicular stop was valid due to unlawful driving, that doesn’t translate into probable cause to arrest you for DWI. The officer will try to use evidence of your conduct after the stop, field sobriety tests and possibly an Alco-Sensor result to show there was probable cause to arrest. However, many officers are poorly trained in observing proper conduct and administering the sobriety tests and Alco-Sensor. Even if you think you performed poorly on these tests, do not give up. We will scrutinize the officer’s handling of these observations and tests and try to show how your performance can be used to your advantage.
  3. Breath/blood test — The alcohol concentration result is crucial for the prosecutor. But these instruments must be properly maintained. Officers must hold valid chemical analyst permits. Officers must properly advise you of your rights, including the right to have a witness present during the test. Don’t throw in the towel because you blew .08 or higher. Our Statesville Lawyers understand the law and will scrutinize the process used and fight any unlawful test result.

We Can Put The Law In Your Corner

If you have been charged with a DWI, Griffin Law, PLLC, can protect your rights and almost always keep you driving. Call our office in Statesville at 704-873-5500, or contact us online to get started.

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