How can a prenuptial agreement help me if I am getting married?

Griffin Law, PLLC
Feb 04, 2018

If you are thinking about getting married in the Statesville and Mooresville areas, the one thing you should not overlook is a prenuptial agreement. Though you may think your marriage is going to last forever, you never know when something might happen that causes it to end. People change after being together and sometimes that change is not for the better.

A prenuptial contract offers you a way to minimize the amount of conflict that can occur in a divorce. It also enables you to protect certain assets, such as inheritances and businesses. Here is a brief overview of factors you should consider about prenuptial contracts.

Establishes financial expectations

Your prenuptial agreement can be as long or short as you want. It must contain a full accounting of your personal debts, financial obligations and assets. If you leave assets and information that must be disclosed out of the agreement, the courts could end up tossing the agreement out. If there is property that you want to keep separate from divorce, you should list each item so there is no confusion. Your agreement should contain a list of expectations for you and your spouse. Basically, it serves as a template of what you both expect of each other financially.

Provides provisions for children

If you have children from a previous relationship, you should include protections for them in your premarital contract. If you anticipate having children with your spouse, be sure to include instructions regarding their well-being. Keep in mind that you cannot specify how much child support you or your spouse must pay. Child support is determined by the courts.

You should not wait until the last minute to bring the subject of prenuptial agreements up. Partners must agree to it of their own free will. Do not pressure your future spouse into signing one or it becomes void. To avoid mistakes and issues that could prevent you from having a fair divorce settlement, you might want to speak to an attorney about the matter.

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