How can I deal with parental alienation?

Griffin Law, PLLC
Jul 20, 2021

One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is dealing with child-rearing issues. Even with a solid parenting plan in place, it is often difficult to form a united front with your ex-spouse.

This is especially true when your ex tries to turn your child against you. According to Psychology Today,parental alienationinvolves unfairly influencing a child using nefarious tactics. As painful as these situations are, they are not insurmountable. Here are few ways you can overcome the actions of a former partner.

Behaviors of children subject to parental alienation

While every child and divorce situation is unique, many kids express the same sort of behaviors when victim to parental alienation. Your child might express a feeling of intense hatred towards you, which stems from the information your ex is giving them. These intense feelings often cause children to refuse visits with the alienated parent. Children in these situations typically feel no guilt or remorse for their actions.

How to deal with an alienating former spouse

Alienated parents should look for ways to establish normalcy around the situation. They must not let negative talk or emotions get in the way of their sense of self. They should also develop a strong support network, which will keep them acquainted with reality, even when faced with lies and half-truths about their character and quality as a parent.

You can also look to the court for assistance. If you have a parenting agreement in place, both you and your former spouse must follow it. If they are withholding visits or throwing up roadblocks in other ways, the court will likely intervene.

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