Yearly Archives: 2023

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Possible grounds for requesting child custody modification

Child custody arrangements are not definite. Significant changes in either the child’s or a parent’s life may happen over time,…

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What is felony-level shoplifting in North Carolina?

Most of us know what the crime of shoplifting is: taking something from a store without paying for it by…

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Improving the coparenting relationship for your child’s sake

Learning to parent with someone else in North Carolina while living in separate homes is not always easy. In many…

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When should I file a motion to modify a custody order?

Making sure your child has a good life following your divorce is a process that will last for years to…

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Are you eligible for an expunction in North Carolina?

Having a criminal record in North Carolina has the potential to make many aspects of your life harder. Depending on…

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How might adultery impact your divorce?

Adultery is often the reason for a marriage to end. Unfortunately, some humans have a tendency not to be loyal…

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What determines who gets primary custody?

When parents decide to get a divorce, a key concern is who will have primary custody of the children. Battles…

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