Why it can be a mistake to quickly agree to a custody schedule

Griffin Law, PLLC
Jan 08, 2024

When it comes to divorce and custody arrangements, agreeing to a schedule right away may seem like a practical decision. It can also seem like the best move for the children, as it gives them a stable routine as early as possible.

However, committing to a custody schedule without thinking it through completely can lead to complications down the road.

Limited flexibility to make changes

One significant reason why agreeing to a custody schedule upfront can be a mistake is the limited flexibility it offers. Life is dynamic, and unforeseen circumstances can arise. If the schedule no longer suits your situation, modifying it later can be a challenging task.

Courts often prefer stability in custody arrangements, and substantial reasons must support any changes. This lack of flexibility can make it difficult to adapt the schedule to changing needs or unexpected events.

Children’s needs

In Iredell County, 22% of the population is younger than 18 years. Many of these children have parents who are not together.

A custody schedule that the parents agreed on quickly may not consider all of the children’s needs. Attempting to modify the schedule later to accommodate these needs can mean questions about the necessity of the adjustments and the impact on the child’s well-being.

Communication breakdown

Agreeing to a custody schedule upfront without thoroughly considering its implications can strain co-parenting relationships. If one parent does not like the arrangement but goes along with it, resentment may build over time, leading to communication breakdowns and potential conflicts.

A strained co-parenting relationship can have a negative impact on children, as they may sense the tension between their parents. It is important to negotiate a custody schedule that both parties are comfortable with to maintain a healthy co-parenting dynamic.

Agreeing to a custody schedule may seem straightforward. However, it is necessary to assess the long-term implications. Opting for a schedule that aligns with the evolving needs of children and that provides flexibility can prevent future complications and foster a healthier co-parenting environment.

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