Federal law enforcement officials in North Carolina say they conducted a recent drug task force operation that resulted in multiple arrests. Investigators say they believe the defendants were cooperating as part of an organized illegal drug network. Many of the 21 people arrested are members of fraternities from Duke University, UNC Chapel Hill and several other schools. College students arrested on suspicion of drug crimes on or off campus are wise to secure criminal defense support as soon as possible, especially since the ultimate outcome of a student’s case can have a significant impact on his or her college and professional career.
Several departments, including the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, began an investigation regarding drugs and around Chapel Hill in 2018. Officers claim that a group of people transported illegal drugs estimated to be worth more than $1.5 million over the last three years. The defendants are accused of distributing hundreds of kilograms of cocaine, LSD, human growth hormones, Xanax and other drugs.
Members of Phi Gamma Delta, Beta Theta Pi and Kappa Sigma at UNC Chapel Hill are said to have been involved in the alleged illegal drug operation. A 27-year-old male is accused of being the main supplier of the supposed drugs in question. He has already been charged, convicted and sentenced in connection with the case.
Developing a strong criminal defense strategy right from the start is a key factor for any North Carolina defendant who hopes to be able to mitigate his or her circumstances as much as possible whenfacing drug charges in this state. This is why it is always a good idea to consult with an experienced criminal law attorney before heading to court. An attorney can look for holes in a prosecutor’s case and use such issues to a client’s advantage, especially if there is reason, for instance, to pursue a case dismissal or to deem a specific piece of evidence inadmissible in court.